Sunday, March 3, 2013


Preston Summit, Preston Summit, does whatever an author can!
Makes a post, any size
Catches followers just like flies

I'll bet everybody knows that song. Yep, you got it! My new blog is about Spiderman. Almost everyone knows about our favorite web-slinging, wall-crawling superhero. (Well, he may not be your favorite but personally I'm a big fan.) Anyway, my first blog post will be about Cletus Kasady, more commonly known as the destructive villain from Spiderman, Carnage. Cletus Kasady had a very troubled childhood. He killed his grandmother by pushing her down a flight of stairs and tortured his mother's dog. His mother then tried to kill Cletus, and was apparently beaten to the brink of death by Kasady's father, who received no defense from Kasady during his trial. As an orphan, Kasady was sent to the St. Estes Home for Boys, where his antisocial behavior made him the target of abuse from both the other orphans and the staff. Kasady gained revenge by murdering the disciplinarian administrator, pushing a girl who refused to date him in front of a moving bus, and burning down the orphanage. It was during his brutal years at St. Estes that Kasady acquired his philosophy that life was essentially meaningless and futile, that "laws are only words", and came to see the spreading of chaos through random, unpatterned bloodshed as "the ultimate freedom. Kasady becomes a serial killer. He is captured and sent to Ryker's Island prison for eleven murders (though he brags of a dozen more) where he shares a cell with Eddie Brock, who had lost the Venom Symbiote. Brock's symbiote soon returns and bonds with him again. However, he unwittingly leaves behind the symbiote's offspring, as the symbiotes reproduce asexually and the children are then of no consequence to the parent. The new symbiote enters Kasady's bloodstream through a cut and bonds with him, transforming him into Carnage. He escapes prison, and begins a series of murders, and at the scene of each crime, writes "Carnage" on the walls with his own blood. He was found by Spider-Man, though the hero proved to be no match for Carnage's powers. In desperation, Spider-Man made a truce with Venom to fight Carnage. Working together, they were able to defeat Kasady. Carnage was later killed in a battle with Sentry in the Earth's upper atmosphere, after Sentry forcibly ripped the Carnage Symbiote from Kasady's body (which caused Kasady's human form to suffocate, due to lack of oxygen), and launched it into the sun, where the intense heat destroyed it. Unfortunately for Peter, and the rest of the New Avengers, Carnage had already managed to puncture several of Sentry's vital organs. He passed out during atmospheric re-entry, and died from his injuries, coupled with the severe burns caused by the non-slowed re-entry. It was later revealed that Kasady had made a deal with Wilson Fisk to have a cloned body set up to be activated upon the event of his death. The Carnage Symbiote was aware of this, and thus used the body of Tanis Nieves to transport the Symbiote to Kasady's cloned body. The Symbiote uploaded his consciousness and memories into the cloned body upon bonding with it, making Kasady into Carnage once more.

I think I'm done now. Bye-bye!